
Simple Steps to Become Unbusy

unbusy your life

“Busy” has become the new norm for too many of our lives these days. But is the state of being busy really improving our lives? Certainly not. Statistics show a majority of parents are to busy to read to their children at night. There is an increasing number of kids being placed in day cares and after-school activities. Americans are having a hard time finding time for vacations these days. Many Americans are living with extreme stress daily. And nearly half of Americans say they regularly lie awake at night because of stress. This is a problem. We have become too busy. But it doesn’t have to be this way. Busy is not inevitable. Each of us can take intentional steps to “Unbusy” our lives.

Consider Implementing These Steps to Becoming “Unbusy”:

1. Realize that being “Busy” is a choice.

It is a decision we make. We are never forced into a lifestyle of busyness. The first and most important, step to becoming less busy is to simply realize that our schedules are determined by us. We do have a choice in the matter. We don’t have to live busy lives.

2. Put an end to glorification of “Busy”.

Busy”, in and of itself, is not a badge of honor. In fact, directed at the wrong pursuits, it is actually a limiting factor to our full potential. It is okay to not be busy. Repeat this with me: It is okay to not be busy.

3. Appreciate and schedule rest. 

One of the reasons many of us keep busy schedules is we fail to recognize the value of rest But rest is beneficial to our bodies, our minds, and our souls. Set aside one day per week for rest and family. Intentionally schedule it on your calendar. Then, guard it at all costs.

4. Revisit your priorities. 

Become more intentional with your priorities and pursuits in life. Determine again what are the most significant contributions you can offer this world. And schedule your time around those first. Busyness is, at its core, about misplaced priorities.

5. Own fewer possessions. 

The things we own take up far more time and mental energy than we realize. They need to be cleaned, organized, and maintained. And the more we own, the more time is required. Own less stuff And find more time because of it.

6. Create space in your daily routine. 

Take time for lunch. Find space in your morning to sit quietly before starting your day. Invest in relaxation, meditation, or yoga. Find opportunity for breaks at work in between projects. Begin right away cultivating little moments of space in your otherwise busy day.

7. Find liberation in the word, “No.” 

Recognize the inherent value in the word “no”.” Learning to say “no” to less important commitments opens your life up to pursue what is most important. Don’t allow “busy” to define you. Being “Unbusy” is possible. It’s perfectly fine to be happy with a calm life. Doesn’t that sound amazing right about now?




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